Improve Your Leadership with Milwaukee's Mastermind Group

The Believe University Mastermind Group(s) in Milwaukee are designed to help build greater Professional Communities

The Believe University Mastermind Groups are a private monthly subscription that allows you to connect with other like-minded individuals seeking positive change and increased effectiveness in their life, business, or career. Because time is a valuable commodity, meeting virtually allows us to leverage technology and bring people from around the globe together via video and teleconferencing.

While we may not be in the same room physically, our virtual conference room can be equally as motivating and challenging as an in-person group. This format requires the same focus and commitment as a face-to-face option but without the travel involved. Expanding the geographical location of participants increases information sharing and more! Our Masterminds in Milwaukee focus on accountability. The calls are recorded and available to you for enhanced learning and resources. You can re-listen to discussions, gain new insights, and take time to process the information shared.

Benefits for Joining the Mastermind Group

  • You receive an affordable value-based price tag for a premium professional development mastermind program
  • Virtual programs have no travel costs for meetings (saving time, money, and lost productivity)
  • You build your network of supportive, like-minded business people who are striving to be the best they can be.
  • The group size is designed to attract those with a strong commitment to their own success and that of other members of the mastermind group
  • You will not be in business alone. You get the benefit of growing with others in the mastermind group.
  • The group size allows for deeper exploration and more personal support
  • You connect with others who can identify with what you are going through in the mastermind group.
  • Many minds offer many options and magnify our results
  • You will be supported and held accountable for the implementation and follow-through of your action plans in the mastermind group.
  • You will have an opportunity to sit in the "Virtual Hot Seat" to share positive results, challenges, and opportunities you might be dealing with. Your peers will be on hand to offer feedback, suggestions, ideas, and resources for building great outcomes.
  • You will focus on success (whatever that looks like for you - and what you focus on is what you will attract!) in the leadership mastermind group

Leadership Mastermind Group

Being at the top can be a lonely place, particularly if you do not have a peer or mentor to bounce ideas off of, or brainstorm options and major decisions. Joining a confidential leadership mastermind group who understands the role you have within your organization and the unique challenges you face, offers a value-add found nowhere else. The sessions will be supportive, productive, and results-oriented that effectively help you connect your strategic initiatives and business objectives. Ultimately, you will find yourself increasing your leadership influence and effectiveness.

Entrepreneurship Mastermind Group

If you are looking to achieve higher levels of success with your business, this is an excellent opportunity to network with other business owners with the same entrepreneurial mindset. Masterminding involves bringing people together with different experiences and ideas to collaborate, brainstorm, and provide support to help the participants achieve their goals. For business owners, joining a mastermind group in Milwaukee can help you model other successful entrepreneurs, make you accountable for achieving your goals, and provide you with your own personal experienced board of directors.

Personal Development Mastermind Group

Personal growth is a great competitive edge in life, career, and when building relationships. It involves taking care of your mental and emotional self. Barriers, obstacles, and problems will appear on your journey through life; they are inevitable and even essential for personal growth. A big part of overcoming this is determined by your mindset. A good mindset is about having the right beliefs, feelings, and values that propel you towards living a happy and successful life. By actively engaging in ongoing personal development mastermind groups, you are able to not only maximize your potential in life but also live the highest expression of yourself that you can be.

What is included in the Believe University Mastermind?

  • Autographed Book – "Who do you Think You are? The Power of Believing In Yourself". (BONUS GIFT for Annual Subscribers)
  •  Success Journal – To provide you with an opportunity to take notes and write down your goals of intention so they come to life. (Bonus GIFT for Annual Subscribers)
  •  Access to Virtual Monthly Mastermind Conference Call
  •  Access to Virtual Mid-Month Group Coaching Check-in to provide further answers, guidance, clarity & support to your growth plan.
  •  Opportunity to participate in "The Hot Seat" for laser focus on challenges and opportunities. You get advice and feedback from The Believe Coach and the entire Mastermind Community.
  •  Access to Virtual resources, PDF Downloads, workbooks, videos, and periodic benefits available to all subscribers
  •  Access to Archive Recordings from each monthly Mastermind Call
  •  Community Discussion – Access to our Subscribers Private Facebook Page (SPRING 2019)
  •  FREE Gift – "12 Top Irrational Beliefs & 12 Rational Alternatives"
  •  Discounts on Events, Seminars, & Webinars offered through Believe University
  •  Invitation to the Annual Mastermind Networking Event held at a location near you (Stay Tuned for More DETAILS)

Subscription Options as low as $100/month

  1. One Time payment for the Year (Savings of $100.00 and up based on the Mastermind Group Selected) ONE MONTH FREE - Limited Time OFFER
  2. REOCCURRING Monthly subscription ( Service charge $2.00 applies)